A Wrap of your "Beginner" Phase

Hey everyone, it’s David here! If you just clicked on this newsletter for the first time, hit the subscribe button to receive all the steps I took to learn guitar online! And to connect with me personally. It only takes the click of a button!

What You Should Know as a Beginner Guitarist

Continuing from the last newsletter, which you can find here:

So here we are! You should have learned a good amount of chords and songs based on your liking! You should be able to play a good amount of songs that you love! Since you know how to play songs that you love, you will be more likely to play guitar more often. Since you are playing songs that you actually enjoy. That was probably the biggest tip that helped me through my beginner phase of learning guitar. That really helped me not want to give up!

The next step, should be learning other types of playing, like Fingerstyle, which is my favorite way to play guitar! Here’s a link to a great tutorial on how to start playing Fingerstyle guitar.

Another thing you should start working on, is barre chords! I know, they’re very scary. But the sooner. I am leaving a link to a YouTube video that was the reason I learned Barre Chords. Check it out.

Yes, that’s me. When I was maybe 15 or 16. If you scroll down on my channel, you will find a bunch of guitar tutorials that I made during quarantine. While I cringe almost to death watching them now, I do think a lot of the videos I made back then (especially this one) provides in depth information on how to execute barre chords. So watch this video (from yours truly) if you want to master barre chords!

Updates with me

For the last time, I promise a new YouTube video is coming. I have literally 5 minutes left on the video to edit. It will be out Thursday or Friday! I apologize for it taking too long, I won’t let this happen again! Other than that, I’m filming my next YouTube video this Friday! So I’m posting a new video this week, and filming a new video right after.

Also, to everyone reading, please let me know what guitar tips/advice you would want from this newsletter! I think I covered most of the beginner spectrum. And I would love to tackle on problems you guys are specifically having. So respond to this email with anything you’re struggling with and would love for me to give advice!

My weekly YouTube livestream is this Saturday at 11am EST! Hope to see you there :)

Now click this button to read my previous newsletter. Where I explain what my slogan, “Express Your Universe” actually means!

Thank you all for supporting me. I truly love all of you <3.

Subscribe to this newsletter for my weekly guitar advice, thoughts, and updates on my social media!

Express Your Universe,

David Pazmino 💜


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