Budget Gear That Sounds Amazing

Hey everyone, it’s David here! If you just clicked on this newsletter for the first time, hit the subscribe button to receive all the steps I took to learn guitar online! And to connect with me personally. It only takes a click of a button!

I’m sure everyone has thought at some point, “In order to sound like the pros, you need to buy the most expensive equipment.” That is just far from the truth. I started out on a $200 guitar. And I had no problem creating the sounds I wanted to play as I get more advanced. The secret is not buying better equipment. It’s just working on your technique and practicing!

With that being said, there are loads of cheap/budget equipment that are perfect for people on a budget, or beginners. I still use a lot of them to this day. In my opinion, to get a really good sounding acoustic guitar. You don’t need to spend more than $250. I used my $200 guitar for 4 years before upgrading to another one. And as for electric, the same price goes. And you don’t need an amp that’s more than $300. You’d want to put a little more budget into your amp because that’s what’s driving your sound for electric guitars. Now I’ll leave some links to some budget-friendly gear for anyone on a budget!

Gear of the Week

I’ll leave some links to all products I talked about.

Great Budget Acoustic Guitar: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/gObEJ0

Great Budget Electric Guitar: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/zxaVR7

These are affiliate links.

Updates with me

I’m currently working on my next longform video! It’s another testing 1 star variation. But it’s a little different. It has nothing to do with guitars! So in like 2 weeks you guys will see it! Also, working on my next short form. Which is an oboe. That should be out in a couple days!

Other than that, nothing new really has been happening. Just been scripting the longform and working on short form content! Hopefully all is well with you guys!

Thank you guys for supporting me. It truly means the world <3

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See you all next time!

Express Your Universe,

David Pazmino 💜


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