How Long Should You Practice Guitar?

Hey everyone, it’s David here! If you just clicked on this newsletter for the first time, hit the subscribe button to receive all the steps I took to learn guitar online. And to connect with me personally. It only takes a click of a button!

This is probably one of the questions I get asked the most. “How long should I practice guitar for.” Said the wise man once (he didn’t say that I just made it up). But seriously, this is a very commonly asked question brought upon beginners. And I get it. Should you practice 30 minutes? 1 hour? 5 mins? Which one is it?

I honestly think I have found the perfect answer to that question. And it was what helped me out a lot when I was a beginner. The ultimate answer to that question is, “you should practice for however long you can throughout each day, without getting distracted by anything else.”

Let me simplify this down for all of you lovely people. If you have literally only 20 minutes of the day free, where you KNOW you can practice guitar for those 20 minutes and NOT get distracted. Then dedicate everyday to those 20 minutes, and make it a habit. But if you have 1 hour each day free to dedicate to practicing guitar, dedicate that 1 hour. And if you only have 5 mins, well… you know the rest by now.

LADIES & GENTLEMEN! It’s not about how long you practice for. IT’S ABOUT YOU ACTUALLY PRACTICING! I just blew your mind didn’t I? Because I know damn well some of y’all say that you’re going to practice for 1 hour, and never do. Instead, just dedicate however much time you can practice, into actually practicing! It doesn’t matter if its literally only 5 minutes a day. AS LONG AS YOU ARE PRACTICING! I actually made a YouTube video like 5 years ago where I explained this exact issue. Keep it mind it was when I was a Freshman in high school so I looked completely different. Watch it here!

Gear of the Week

NEW SEGMENT GUYS! My pick for my gear of the week, where I want to show you guys. For this week, I’ll just show you the gear that I use myself.

I’ve been using this gear for most of my guitar playing. Especially the strings and picks, I highly recommend you check them out!

Keep in mind, these are affiliate links. So any purchase, I earn commission. With no extra charge for you!

Updates with me

I am currently working on my next longform video! Should be out early next year. So wow, that wraps up all YouTube videos for 2024. Also, don’t tell anyone. But I’m bringing back the, “POV: You Buy Your First” series. It’s been 4 months since my last one and I feel like its time to bring it back. That video should be out in a couple days with a new instrument!

That’s all for this weeks newsletter folks! See you next week!

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Express Your Universe,

David Pazmino 💜


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