If You're an, "Intermediate" Guitarist, READ THIS!

Hey everyone, it’s David here! If you just clicked on this newsletter for the first time, hit the subscribe button to receive all the steps I took to learn guitar online. And to connect with me personally. It only takes a click of a button!

I know you have considered yourself as an, “Intermediate” guitarist for quite some time now. You don’t want to consider yourself an, “advanced” guitarist, or, “beginner” guitarist because you feel like you’ve been playing for enough time where you’re not a beginner. But not long enough to where you’re advanced. And that’s okay! I was stuck there maybe for a couple of years. But I’m going to tell you exactly what I did to break out of that bubble!

The main thing you need to learn to get out of that, “Intermediate guitarist” bubble is, and I know you guys are not going to like hearing this. But its MUSIC THEORY! Now wait wait wait! Don’t scuff just yet! I’m not asking you to learn EVERYTHING about music theory! The main thing I regret not learning earlier on in my guitar playing, is just some sort of music theory. Whether that’s the pentatonic scale, or practicing your ear. Just being able to jam with your friends is the best feeling in the world.

Also, another thing you really need to get down, is your barre chords. I’ve made several videos and newsletters on barre chords. Go check them out!

But really, music theory is ESSENTIAL. When trying to progress your guitar playing! So just start off small. Learn some pentatonic scales, start learning the names of each and every note on the fretboard. Because once you are able to jam with your friends. That is the best and most exciting feeling in the world.

Here’s a video to start you on this journey!

Gear Of The Week

Welcome to my pick for my gear of the week that I want to show/suggest to you guys!

I have been tuning my guitar ever since I started playing, which was almost 6 years ago. And a couple weeks ago, I just got my hands on my first ever tuner pedal! And looking at it now, I can’t believe it took me almost 6 years to get one! It makes tuning so much more easy. You just plug it straight into your guitar and it tunes! Pedals are a lot better than phone apps or clip on tuners, because the signal is being plugged straight into your guitar.

Check out the one I use here! https://sweetwater.sjv.io/aOKaEZ

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Updates With Me

Guys, please don’t tell me TikTok is actually getting banned. I just started my flow again with my instrument series. And apparently is getting banned on the 20th. I will still post normally on it for as long as I can until you officially can’t post on TikTok anymore. I’m guessing that will be by the end of this year or early next year. But I’ll still be on YouTube and Instagram like usual!

Also, just finished my next longform video! Should be out tomorrow! Can’t wait for you guys to see it.

I’m going to California this weekend! I’m traveling to go to the NAMM Show. If anyone is going to be there let me know! I would love to meet you guys! I’m so hyped!

See you all next week!

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Express Your Universe,

David Pazmino 💜


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