The Best Way to Memorize the Fretboard Fast

Hey everyone, it’s David here! If you just clicked on this newsletter for the first time, hit the subscribe button to receive all the steps I took to learn guitar online! And to connect with me personally. It only takes a click of a button!

Be honest, have you ever tried to memorize the fretboard? If you said no, what are you doing. You need to! It will make playing guitar so much easier for you! And if you said yes, trust me, we have all been there. It took me a while, but I finally took the time to memorize every note on the fretboard. Here’s how I did it.

First, you just have to memorize all the notes on the top string, which is the Low E string. The reason for this is, when you do that, you automatically know all notes on 2 out of the 6 strings on the guitar. Which is almost half. Since there are 2 E strings. You only need to memorize one to know both of them.

Once you memorized all the notes on both of the E strings, you can now move onto the rest of the strings! Watch this video, which is the video I used on how to memorize all notes on the fretboard.

The reason why you want to memorize all the notes on the fretboard. Is to make you have a deeper understanding of how chords, scales, and all the notes on the guitar work. And will make improvising so much easier on guitar!

Gear of the Week

I just recently uploaded 2 YouTube Shorts containing 2 different instruments. The Bajo Quinto, and Guitarron. They were gifts from Sweetwater. Check them out here if you are interested!

These are affiliate links.

Updates with me

Just finished filming my next longform YouTube video! That should be out hopefully by 2 weeks maximum. That has really been taking up most of my time the past few weeks. Other than that, focusing on recording new shorts with some new instruments I have in mind.

Thank you all for supporting me. It truly means the world.

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See you all next time!

Express Your Universe,

David Pazmino 💜


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