The Best Way to Store your Guitar (make it last x10 longer)

Hey everyone, it’s David here! If you just clicked on this newsletter for the first time, hit the subscribe button to receive all the steps I took to learn guitar online! And to connect with me personally. It only takes a click of a button!

If you read this title and questioned yourself if you should even store your guitar somewhere in the first place. I’m sorry but you’re kind of cooked already man. Guitars are made of wood. Wood shifts/bends/warps over time. You NEED to store your guitar in a well protected environment. Or else, your guitar will get damaged and it will because less playable over time. So here’s how to prolong its life!

You have 3 options here. Cheapest option is to buy a humidifier for your room where your guitar is in. And keep your room at around 45% humidity to keep your guitar from getting damaged. Option 2 is to buy a bag for your guitar, and to throw a little humidifier pack in there. And change it around every 3 months to keep the environment humidified. And the last option, which is the best option to ensure your guitar doesn’t get damaged, but its also the most expensive. Is to buy a case for your guitar. Keep your guitar in the case, and throw a humidifier pack in there and change it around every 3 months. So now you have a case, and the humidity protecting your guitar. I personally chose option 1, because I have a lot of guitars. And I don’t want to spend so much money on a case for every single guitar I own. But if you have only 1 guitar. I suggest you’d wanna keep that guitar in top notch condition. So I would say go with option 3! It’s a huge investment, but its worth it!

Gear of the Week

I’ll leave some links to all products I talked about.

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Updates with me

OKAY EVERYONE LISTEN UP! New YouTube video is out on Friday! I promise hahaha. I know I talked about this in my last newsletter 2 weeks ago. But I promise that a new video is coming out on Friday! I really like this new video of mine, I can’t wait for you guys to watch it!

Other than that, nothing really has been going on. I’m going to work on my next POV you buy your first video starting tomorrow. I’ll let you guys know what the instrument is since you guys are real ones. Its a bassoon! Hopefully that should be out soon.

Thank you guys for supporting me. It truly means the world <3

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See you all next time!

Express Your Universe,

David Pazmino 💜


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