The Secret I WISH I KNEW as a Beginner

Hey everyone, it’s David here! If you just clicked on this newsletter for the first time, hit the subscribe button to receive all the steps I took to learn guitar online! And to connect with me personally. It only takes a click of a button!

I have been playing guitar for 6 years. And there is one thing that I REGRET not learning more as a beginner. If I learned it consistently from when I was a beginner till now, I would be so much better at guitar. Ladies & gentlemen, that secret is, ear training!

Every time I’m jamming with friends, or jamming by myself, and my guitar is out of tune. I ALWAYS have to take my phone out, and open a tuning app to tune my guitar. And I feel so embarrassed. I literally can’t tune without it. So to all the beginners out there, or honestly anyone can play guitar. Please, work on your ear before its too late. Try to familiarize your ear with at least the basic 6 string notes. E, A, D, G, B, and E. Once you are able to tune your guitar without having to use your phone or clip-on tuner. You will advance as a guitarist! Then, you will start to be able to hear any note and figure out what note it is on the fretboard! That is something I wish I can do. So please, work on it while you guys can! Before it’s too late, I truly do regret not learning that sooner.

Here’s a YouTube video I watched to help you guys get started!

Gear of the Week

Alright, I understand not everyone is going to want to tune by ear. And that’s okay! So here’s the link for the clip-on tuner that I use haha.

This is an affiliate link.

Updates with me

Just got back from The NAMM Show! It was amazing! Met some of you guys, and fellow content creators!

And I just uploaded a new YouTube video! Well not just but if you didn’t watch it check it out!

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See you all next week!

Express Your Universe,

David Pazmino 💜


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