Why Your Guitar Won’t Stay in Tune (and How to Fix It)

Hey everyone, it’s David here! If you just clicked on this newsletter for the first time, hit the subscribe button to receive all the steps I took to learn guitar online! And to connect with me personally. It only takes a click of a button!

It took me 6 years of playing guitar to realize this mistake I was making. I kept saying to myself, “Why is my guitar out of tune EVERY SINGLE TIME I PLAY IT?” Well It’s because of only 1 issue. The humidity in your room is killing your instruments! If you don’t know what humidity is, it is the amount of water vapor in your room. The more humidity there is in your room, the more wet it is. The less humidity, the more dry. Relative humidity is measured from 0-100%. And you typically want around 42-50% relative humidity for the room that your guitars are in. And if it is any lower, or higher, you can run the risks of getting cracks in your guitar, neck warping, and strings always falling out of tune. So I know what you’re asking, “How do I stop this abomination from happening?” RELAX! Because I am going to tell your right now.

What you need is 2 ESSENTIAL THINGS! You need a hygrometer. Which is a small device that measures & tells you the amount of humidity in your room. And next, you guessed it, a humidifier! To be able to control the amount of humidity that goes into your room. And a bonus, if you keep your guitar in a hard case. That is so much better than leaving it out in the open. And if you keep it in the case, it’s always great to store any type of guitar humidifier either on the guitar, or in the case while it’s there. Please guys, take care of your instruments. I just recently started doing this. And I can only imagine the amount of damage I’ve caused on my instruments, just because I was too lazy to start taking care of it.

Take care of your instruments, before it’s too late.

Gear of the Week

I’m leaving links to some of the things I talked about in the essential items you need to properly humidify your guitar.

Humidifier and Hygrometer in 1: sweetwater.sjv.io/PO6O3R

Guitar Humidifier Packs: sweetwater.sjv.io/APEPJa

These are all affiliate links.

Updates with me

What has been up with me? I’m glad you asked (no one asked). I’ve been great! I uploaded my YouTube video where I shot it at The NAMM Show. Check it out!

I am switching this Newsletter to biweekly. That means every other week, I will post a new newsletter. Hence why there was none last week. Thank you all for the support on this newsletter! We have almost 250 subscribers. And I am just doing this for fun hahaha. I really love and appreciate every single one of you <3. If you are alone for valentines day (I am alone too lol) just know that you have this community right on your back supporting and caring for you. And me as well!

Subscribe to this newsletter for my weekly guitar advice, thoughts, and updates!

See you all next time!

Express Your Universe,

David Pazmino 💜


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